Brown acid:
Hot on the heels of the 50th anniversary of “the summer of love”, its time to try the MXR Brown Acid!
The MXR Brown Acid Fuzz delivers psychedelic silicon saturation to guitar and bass players who like it low, slow, and heavy. Based on a classic 1970s UK fuzz circuit, this pedal’s simple three knob interface allows you to plug in and tune out in no time at all. Dial in the Output, Tone, and Fuzz controls to set the mood, and then let the heaviness flow forth as the world around you melts into a fuzzy, synesthetic convergence of colours and sounds. Whether you want to ride droning power chord currents across the universe or summon burly grooves at an ancient altar, this pedal has all you need for your musical invocations.
The MXR Brown Acid Fuzz comes adorned with the arcane renderings of legendary Bay Area artist Alan Forbes.
Input Impedance 40 KΩ
Output Impedance < 110 kΩ
Noise Floor* -79 dBV
Gain Range 20 dB to 57 dB @ 1 kHz
Bypass True Hardwire
Current Draw 2.6 mA
Power Supply 9 VDC