Old Blood Noise Endeavors Visitor Parallel Multi-Modulator


Inspired by the unique complexities of running modulations in parallel, Old Blood Noise Endeavors unveils the Visitor Parallel Multi-Modulator. With three different primary modulation options (tremolo, chorus, and phaser) and two parallel secondary modulation options (tremolo and chorus), Visitor immediately inspires new sounds in a single pedal format. Further strangeness occurs with the delay offset of the secondary modulation and the interaction of the secondary rate and the primary depth.

1 in stock

SKU: child-4524 Category:
  • Primary modulation switchable between tremolo, chorus, and phaser
  • Secondary modulation switchable between tremolo and chorus
  • Rate and Depth controls for primary modulation
  • Secondary knob to simultaneously control depth, rate, and delay offset of secondary modulation
  • Regen control for master feedback
  • Master mix control
  • Expression control over Secondary knob
  • Relay bypass switching and standard 9VDC center negative power
Weight 0.50 kg